Monday 30 September 2013

Web Scraper Shortcode WordPress Plugin Review

This short post is on the WP-plugin called Web Scraper Shortcode, that enables one to retrieve a portion of a web page or a whole page and insert it directly into a post. This plugin might be used for getting fresh data or images from web pages for your WordPress driven page without even visiting it. More scraping plugins and sowtware you can find in here.

To install it in WordPress go to Plugins -> Add New.

The plugin scrapes the page content and applies parameters to this scraped page if specified. To use the plugin just insert the

[web-scraper ]

shortcode into the HTML view of the WordPress page where you want to display the excerpts of a page or the whole page. The parameters are as follows:

    url (self explanatory)
    element – the dom navigation element notation, similar to XPath.
    limit – the maximum number of elements to be scraped and inserted if the element notation points to several of them (like elements of the same class).

The use of the plugin is of the dom (Data Object Model) notation, where consecutive dom nodes are stated like node1.node2; for example: element = ‘div.img’. The specific element scrape goes thru ‘#notation’. Example: if you want to scrape several ‘div’ elements of the class ‘red’ (<div class=’red’>…<div>), you need to specify the element attribute this way: element = ‘div#red’.
How to find DOM notation?

But for inexperienced users, how is it possible to find the dom notation of the desired element(s) from the web page? Web Developer Tools are a handy means for this. I would refer you to this paragraph on how to invoke Web Developer Tools in the browser (Google Chrome) and select a single page element to inspect it. As you select it with the ‘loupe’ tool, on the bottom line you’ll see the blue box with the element’s dom notation:

The plugin content

As one who works with web scraping, I was curious about  the means that the plugin uses for scraping. As I looked at the plugin code, it turned out that the plugin acquires a web page through ‘simple_html_dom‘ class:

    $html = file_get_html($url);
    then the code performs iterations over the designated elements with the set limit


    Be careful if you put two or more [web-scraper] shortcodes on your website, since downloading other pages will drastically slow the page load speed. Even if you want only a small element, the PHP engine first loads the whole page and then iterates over its elements.
    You need to remember that many pictures on the web are indicated by shortened URLs. So when such an image gets extracted it might be visible to you in this way: , since the URL is shortened and the plugin does not take note of  its base URL.
    The error “Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object …” will occur if you put this shortcode in a text-overloaded post.


I’d recommend using this plugin for short posts to be added with other posts’ elements. The use of this plugin is limited though.


Sunday 29 September 2013

Microsys A1 Website Scraper Review

The A1 scraper by Microsys is a program that is mainly used to scrape websites to extract data in large quantities for later use in webservices. The scraper works to extract text, URLs etc., using multiple Regexes and saving the output into a CSV file. This tool is can be compared with other web harvesting and web scraping services.
How it works
This scraper program works as follows:
Scan mode

    Go to the ScanWebsite tab and enter the site’s URL into the Path subtab.
    Press the ‘Start scan‘ button to cause the crawler to find text, links and other data on this website and cache them.

Important: URLs that you scrape data from have to pass filters defined in both analysis filters and output filters. The defining of those filters can be set at the Analysis filters and Output filters subtabs respectively. They must be set at the website analysis stage (mode).
Extract mode

    Go to the Scraper Options tab
    Enter the Regex(es) into the Regex input area.
    Define the name and path of the output CSV file.
    The scraper automatically finds and extracts the data according to Regex patterns.

The result will be stored in one CSV file for all the given URLs.

There is a need to mention that the set of regular expressions will be run against all the pages scraped.
Some more scraper features

Using the scraper as a website crawler also affords:

    URL filtering.
    Adjustment of the speed of crawling according to service needs rather than server load.

If  you need to extract data from a complex website, just disable Easy mode: out press the  button. A1 Scraper’s full tutorial is available here.

The A1 Scraper is good for mass gathering of URLs, text, etc., with multiple conditions set. However this scraping tool is designed for using only Regex expressions, which can increase the parsing process time greatly.


Friday 27 September 2013

Visual Web Ripper: Using External Input Data Sources

Sometimes it is necessary to use external data sources to provide parameters for the scraping process. For example, you have a database with a bunch of ASINs and you need to scrape all product information for each one of them. As far as Visual Web Ripper is concerned, an input data source can be used to provide a list of input values to a data extraction project. A data extraction project will be run once for each row of input values.

An input data source is normally used in one of these scenarios:

    To provide a list of input values for a web form
    To provide a list of start URLs
    To provide input values for Fixed Value elements
    To provide input values for scripts

Visual Web Ripper supports the following input data sources:

    SQL Server Database
    MySQL Database
    OleDB Database
    CSV File
    Script (A script can be used to provide data from almost any data source)

To see it in action you can download a sample project that uses an input CSV file with Amazon ASIN codes to generate Amazon start URLs and extract some product data. Place both the project file and the input CSV file in the default Visual Web Ripper project folder (My Documents\Visual Web Ripper\Projects).

For further information please look at the manual topic, explaining how to use an input data source to generate start URLs.


Thursday 26 September 2013

Scraping with Screen Scraper

Let’s look how to use Screen Scraper for scraping Amazon products having a list of asins in external database.

Screen Scraper is designed to be interoperable with all sorts of databases and web-languages. There is even a data-manager that allows one to make a connection to a database (MySQL, Amazon RDS, MS SQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, etc), and then the scripting in screen-scraper is agnostic to the type of database.

Let’s go through a sample scrape project you can see it at work. I don’t know how well you know Screen Scraper, but I assume you have it installed, and a MySQL database you can use. You need to:

    Make sure screen-scraper is not running as workbench or server
    Put the Amazon (Scraping Session).sss file in the “screen-scraper enterprise edition/import” directory.
    Put the mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar file in the “screen-scraper enterprise edition/lib/ext” directory.
    Create a MySQL database for the scrape to use, and import the amazon.sql file.
    Put the amazon.db.config file in the “screen-scraper enterprise edition/input” directory and edit it to contain proper settings to connect to your database.
    Start the screen scraper workbench

Since this is a very simple scrape, you just want to run it in the workbench (most of the time you want to run scrapes in server mode). Start the workbench, and you will see the Amazon scrape in there, and you can just click the “play” button.

Note that a breakpoint comes up for each item. It would be easy to save the scraped details to a database table or file if you want. Also see in the database the “id_status” changes as each item is scraped.

When the scrape is run, it looks in the database for products marked “not scraped”, so when you want to re-run the scrapes, you need to:

SET `id_status` = 0

Have a nice scraping! ))

P.S. We thank Jason Bellows from Ekiwi, LLC for such a great tutorial.


Using External Input Data in Off-the-shelf Web Scrapers

There is a question I’ve wanted to shed some light upon for a long time already: “What if I need to scrape several URL’s based on data in some external database?“.

For example, recently one of our visitors asked a very good question (thanks, Ed):

    “I have a large list of asin. I would like to scrape 10 or so fields for each asin. Is there any web scraping software available that can read each asin from a database and form the destination url to be scraped like{asin} and scrape the data?”

This question impelled me to investigate this matter. I contacted several web scraper developers, and they kindly provided me with detailed answers that allowed me to bring the following summary to your attention:
Visual Web Ripper

An input data source can be used to provide a list of input values to a data extraction project. A data extraction project will be run once for each row of input values. You can find the additional information here.
Web Content Extractor

You can use the -at”filename” command line option to add new URLs from TXT or CSV file:

    WCExtractor.exe projectfile -at”filename” -s

projectfile: the file name of the project (*.wcepr) to open.
filename – the file name of the CSV or TXT file that contains URLs separated by newlines.
-s – starts the extraction process

You can find some options and examples here.

Since Mozenda is cloud-based, the external data needs to be loaded up into the user’s Mozenda account. That data can then be easily used as part of the data extracting process. You can construct URLs, search for strings that match your inputs, or carry through several data fields from an input collection and add data to it as part of your output. The easiest way to get input data from an external source is to use the API to populate data into a Mozenda collection (in the user’s account). You can also input data in the Mozenda web console by importing a .csv file or importing one through our agent building tool.

Once the data is loaded into the cloud, you simply initiate building a Mozenda web agent and refer to that Data list. By using the Load page action and the variable from the inputs, you can construct a URL like
Helium Scraper

Here is a video showing how to do this with Helium Scraper:

The video shows how to use the input data as URLs and as search terms. There are many other ways you could use this data, way too many to fit in a video. Also, if you know SQL, you could run a query to get the data directly from an external MS Access database like
SELECT * FROM [MyTable] IN "C:\MyDatabase.mdb"

Note that the database needs to be a “.mdb” file.
WebSundew Data Extractor
Basically this allows using input data from external data sources. This may be CSV, Excel file or a Database (MySQL, MSSQL, etc). Here you can see how to do this in the case of an external file, but you can do it with a database in a similar way (you just need to write an SQL script that returns the necessary data).
In addition to passing URLs from the external sources you can pass other input parameters as well (input fields, for example).
Screen Scraper

Screen Scraper is really designed to be interoperable with all sorts of databases. We have composed a separate article where you can find a tutorial and a sample project about scraping Amazon products based on a list of their ASINs.


Tuesday 24 September 2013

Selenium IDE and Web Scraping

Selenium is a browser automation framework that includes IDE, Remote Control server and bindings of various flavors including Java, .Net, Ruby, Python and other. In this post we touch on the basic structure of the framework and its application to  Web Scraping.
What is Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE is an integrated development environment for Selenium scripts. It is implemented as a Firefox plugin, and it allows recording browsers’ interactions in order to edit them. This works well for software tests, composing and debugging. The Selenium Remote Control is a server specific for a particular environment; it causes custom scripts to be implemented for controlled browsers. Selenium deploys on Windows, Linux, and iOS. How various Selenium components are supported with major browsers read here.
What does Selenium do and Web Scraping

Basically Selenium automates browsers. This ability is no doubt to be applied to web scraping. Since browsers (and Selenium) support JavaScript, jQuery and other methods working with dynamic content why not use this mix for benefit in web scraping, rather than to try to catch Ajax events with plain code? The second reason for this kind of scrape automation is browser-fasion data access (though today this is emulated with most libraries).

Yes, Selenium works to automate browsers, but how to control Selenium from a custom script to automate a browser for web scraping? There are Selenium PHP and other language libraries (bindings) providing for scripts to call and use Selenium. It is possible to write Selenium clients (using the libraries) in almost any language we prefer, for example Perl, Python, Java, PHP etc. Those libraries (API), along with a server, the Java written server that invokes browsers for actions, constitute the Selenum RC (Remote Control). Remote Control automatically loads the Selenium Core into the browser to control it. For more details in Selenium components refer to here.

A tough scrape task for programmer

“…cURL is good, but it is very basic.  I need to handle everything manually; I am creating HTTP requests by hand.
This gets difficult – I need to do a lot of work to make sure that the requests that I send are exactly the same as the requests that a browser would
send, both for my sake and for the website’s sake. (For my sake
because I want to get the right data, and for the website’s sake
because I don’t want to cause error messages or other problems on their site because I sent a bad request that messed with their web application).  And if there is any important javascript, I need to imitate it with PHP.
It would be a great benefit to me to be able to control a browser like Firefox with my code. It would solve all my problems regarding the emulation of a real browser…
it seems that Selenium will allow me to do this…” -Ryan S

Yes, that’s what we will consider below.
Scrape with Selenium

In order to create scripts that interact with the Selenium Server (Selenium RC, Selenium Remote Webdriver) or create local Selenium WebDriver script, there is the need to make use of language-specific client drivers (also called Formatters, they are included in the selenium-ide-1.10.0.xpi package). The Selenium servers, drivers and bindings are available at Selenium download page.
The basic recipe for scrape with Selenium:

    Use Chrome or Firefox browsers
    Get Firebug or Chrome Dev Tools (Cntl+Shift+I) in action.
    Install requirements (Remote control or WebDriver, libraries and other)
    Selenium IDE : Record a ‘test’ run thru a site, adding some assertions.
    Export as a Python (other language) script.
    Edit it (loops, data extraction, db input/output)
    Run script for the Remote Control

The short intro Slides for the scraping of tough websites with Python & Selenium are here (as Google Docs slides) and here (Slide Share).
Selenium components for Firefox installation guide

For how to install the Selenium IDE to Firefox see  here starting at slide 21. The Selenium Core and Remote Control installation instructions are there too.
Extracting for dynamic content using jQuery/JavaScript with Selenium

One programmer is doing a similar thing …

1. launch a selenium RC (remote control) server
2. load a page
3. inject the jQuery script
4. select the interested contents using jQuery/JavaScript
5. send back to the PHP client using JSON.

He particularly finds it quite easy and convenient to use jQuery for
screen scraping, rather than using PHP/XPath.

The Selenium IDE is the popular tool for browser automation, mostly for its software testing application, yet also in that Web Scraping techniques for tough dynamic websites may be implemented with IDE along with the Selenium Remote Control server. These are the basic steps for it:

    Record the ‘test‘ browser behavior in IDE and export it as the custom programming language script
    Formatted language script runs on the Remote Control server that forces browser to send HTTP requests and then script catches the Ajax powered responses to extract content.

Selenium based Web Scraping is an easy task for small scale projects, but it consumes a lot of memory resources, since for each request it will launch a new browser instance.


Monday 23 September 2013

Various Data Mining Techniques

Also called Knowledge Discover in Databases (KDD), data mining is the process of automatically sifting through large volumes of data for patterns, using tools such as clustering, classification, association rule mining, and many more. There are several major data mining techniques developed and known today, and this article will briefly tackle them, along with tools for increased efficiency, including phone look up services.

Classification is a classic data mining technique. Based on machine learning, it is used to classify each item on a data set into one of predefined set of groups or classes. This method uses mathematical techniques, like linear programming, decision trees, neural network, and statistics. For instance, you can apply this technique in an application that predicts which current employees will most probably leave in the future, based on the past records of those who have resigned or left the company.

Association is one of the most used techniques, and it is where a pattern is discovered basing on a relationship of a specific item on other items within the same transaction. Market basket analysis, for example, uses association to figure out what products or services are purchased together by clients. Businesses use the data produced to devise their marketing campaign.

Sequential patterns, too, aim to discover similar patterns in data transaction over a given business phase or period. These findings are used for business analysis to see relationships among data.

Clustering makes useful cluster of objects that maintain similar characteristics using an automatic method. While classification assigns objects into predefined classes, clustering defines the classes and puts objects in them. Predication, on the other hand, is a technique that digs into the relationship between independent variables and between dependent and independent variables. It can be used to predict profits in the future - a fitted regression curve used for profit prediction can be drawn from historical sale and profit data.

Of course, it is highly important to have high-quality data in all these data mining techniques. A multi-database web service, for instance, can be incorporated to provide the most accurate telephone number lookup. It delivers real-time access to a range of public, private, and proprietary telephone data. This type of phone look up service is fast-becoming a defacto standard for cleaning data and it communicates directly with telco data sources as well.

Phone number look up web services - just like lead, name, and address validation services - help make sure that information is always fresh, up-to-date, and in the best shape for data mining techniques to be applied.

Equip your business with better leads and get better conversion rates by using phone look up and similar real-time web services.


Sunday 22 September 2013

New Method of Market Segmentation - Combining Segmentation With Data Mining

Marketers have the ability to get high-fidelity information on their target markets through market segmentation. Market segmentation is the process of categorizing potential customers based on certain variables, such as age, gender, and income. A market segment is a group of customers that will react in the same way to a particular marketing campaign. By gathering this information, marketers can tailor their campaigns to groups of prospects to build stronger relationships with them.

Marketers gather this demographic information through surveys, usually when the customer submits a product rebate or willingly participates in a customer satisfaction survey. Over the majority of the past few decades, market segmentation consisted of differentiating prospects based on very simple variables: income, race, location, etc. While this is definitely important information to have on your target market, modern market segmentation takes into account more integrated information.

Modern segmentation breaks the market into target clusters that take into account not only standard demographics, but also other factors such as population density, psychographics, and buying and spending habits of customers. By focusing on these variables in addition to standard demographics, you can gain deeper insight into customer behavior.

Using standard demographics, you can tailor your marketing pieces to specific groups of people. But, by including these more sophisticated variables in your segmentation process, you can determine achieve a higher degree of "lift" or return on your segmentation efforts.

Segmenting your market on these factors helps you realize your total opportunity and revenue potential. It can enable you to better compete with similar product or service providers and lets you know where you stand within the game. It can help you target untapped market opportunities and allow you to better reach and retain customers.

Market segmentation depends on the gathering of high-quality, usable data. Many companies exist to gather and sell massive databases of targeted customer information, as well as providing consultation services to help you make sense of data bought or already owned. The key to the process is determining the best way to split up data.

There are essentially two methods for categorizing customers. Segments can either be determined in advance and then customers are assigned to each segment, or the actual customer data can be analyzed to identify naturally occurring behavioral clusters. Each cluster forms a particular market segment.

The benefit of cluster-based segmentation is that as a market's behavior changes, you can adapt your campaigns to better suit the cluster. The latest techniques blend cluster-based segmentation with deeper customer information acquired via data mining. Data mining uses algorithms to interrogate data within a database, and can produce information such as buying frequency and product types.

This new method of market segmentation, combining segmentation with data mining, provides marketers with high quality information on how their customers shop for and purchase their products or services. By combining standard market segmentation with data mining techniques you can better predict and model the behavior of your segments.


Friday 20 September 2013

Basics of Web Data Mining and Challenges in Web Data Mining Process

Today World Wide Web is flooded with billions of static and dynamic web pages created with programming languages such as HTML, PHP and ASP. Web is great source of information offering a lush playground for data mining. Since the data stored on web is in various formats and are dynamic in nature, it's a significant challenge to search, process and present the unstructured information available on the web.

Complexity of a Web page far exceeds the complexity of any conventional text document. Web pages on the internet lack uniformity and standardization while traditional books and text documents are much simpler in their consistency. Further, search engines with their limited capacity can not index all the web pages which makes data mining extremely inefficient.

Moreover, Internet is a highly dynamic knowledge resource and grows at a rapid pace. Sports, News, Finance and Corporate sites update their websites on hourly or daily basis. Today Web reaches to millions of users having different profiles, interests and usage purposes. Every one of these requires good information but don't know how to retrieve relevant data efficiently and with least efforts.

It is important to note that only a small section of the web possesses really useful information. There are three usual methods that a user adopts when accessing information stored on the internet:

• Random surfing i.e. following large numbers of hyperlinks available on the web page.
• Query based search on Search Engines - use Google or Yahoo to find relevant documents (entering specific keywords queries of interest in search box)
• Deep query searches i.e. fetching searchable database from's product search engines or's service directory, etc.

To use the web as an effective resource and knowledge discovery researchers have developed efficient data mining techniques to extract relevant data easily, smoothly and cost-effectively.


Data Mining and Financial Data Analysis


Most marketers understand the value of collecting financial data, but also realize the challenges of leveraging this knowledge to create intelligent, proactive pathways back to the customer. Data mining - technologies and techniques for recognizing and tracking patterns within data - helps businesses sift through layers of seemingly unrelated data for meaningful relationships, where they can anticipate, rather than simply react to, customer needs as well as financial need. In this accessible introduction, we provides a business and technological overview of data mining and outlines how, along with sound business processes and complementary technologies, data mining can reinforce and redefine for financial analysis.


1. The main objective of mining techniques is to discuss how customized data mining tools should be developed for financial data analysis.

2. Usage pattern, in terms of the purpose can be categories as per the need for financial analysis.

3. Develop a tool for financial analysis through data mining techniques.

Data mining:

Data mining is the procedure for extracting or mining knowledge for the large quantity of data or we can say data mining is "knowledge mining for data" or also we can say Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD). Means data mining is : data collection , database creation, data management, data analysis and understanding.

There are some steps in the process of knowledge discovery in database, such as

1. Data cleaning. (To remove nose and inconsistent data)

2. Data integration. (Where multiple data source may be combined.)

3. Data selection. (Where data relevant to the analysis task are retrieved from the database.)

4. Data transformation. (Where data are transformed or consolidated into forms appropriate for mining by performing summary or aggregation operations, for instance)

5. Data mining. (An essential process where intelligent methods are applied in order to extract data patterns.)

6. Pattern evaluation. (To identify the truly interesting patterns representing knowledge based on some interesting measures.)

7. Knowledge presentation.(Where visualization and knowledge representation techniques are used to present the mined knowledge to the user.)

Data Warehouse:

A data warehouse is a repository of information collected from multiple sources, stored under a unified schema and which usually resides at a single site.


Most of the banks and financial institutions offer a wide verity of banking services such as checking, savings, business and individual customer transactions, credit and investment services like mutual funds etc. Some also offer insurance services and stock investment services.

There are different types of analysis available, but in this case we want to give one analysis known as "Evolution Analysis".

Data evolution analysis is used for the object whose behavior changes over time. Although this may include characterization, discrimination, association, classification, or clustering of time related data, means we can say this evolution analysis is done through the time series data analysis, sequence or periodicity pattern matching and similarity based data analysis.

Data collect from banking and financial sectors are often relatively complete, reliable and high quality, which gives the facility for analysis and data mining. Here we discuss few cases such as,

Eg, 1. Suppose we have stock market data of the last few years available. And we would like to invest in shares of best companies. A data mining study of stock exchange data may identify stock evolution regularities for overall stocks and for the stocks of particular companies. Such regularities may help predict future trends in stock market prices, contributing our decision making regarding stock investments.

Eg, 2. One may like to view the debt and revenue change by month, by region and by other factors along with minimum, maximum, total, average, and other statistical information. Data ware houses, give the facility for comparative analysis and outlier analysis all are play important roles in financial data analysis and mining.

Eg, 3. Loan payment prediction and customer credit analysis are critical to the business of the bank. There are many factors can strongly influence loan payment performance and customer credit rating. Data mining may help identify important factors and eliminate irrelevant one.

Factors related to the risk of loan payments like term of the loan, debt ratio, payment to income ratio, credit history and many more. The banks than decide whose profile shows relatively low risks according to the critical factor analysis.

We can perform the task faster and create a more sophisticated presentation with financial analysis software. These products condense complex data analyses into easy-to-understand graphic presentations. And there's a bonus: Such software can vault our practice to a more advanced business consulting level and help we attract new clients.

To help us find a program that best fits our needs-and our budget-we examined some of the leading packages that represent, by vendors' estimates, more than 90% of the market. Although all the packages are marketed as financial analysis software, they don't all perform every function needed for full-spectrum analyses. It should allow us to provide a unique service to clients.

The Products:

ACCPAC CFO (Comprehensive Financial Optimizer) is designed for small and medium-size enterprises and can help make business-planning decisions by modeling the impact of various options. This is accomplished by demonstrating the what-if outcomes of small changes. A roll forward feature prepares budgets or forecast reports in minutes. The program also generates a financial scorecard of key financial information and indicators.

Customized Financial Analysis by BizBench provides financial benchmarking to determine how a company compares to others in its industry by using the Risk Management Association (RMA) database. It also highlights key ratios that need improvement and year-to-year trend analysis. A unique function, Back Calculation, calculates the profit targets or the appropriate asset base to support existing sales and profitability. Its DuPont Model Analysis demonstrates how each ratio affects return on equity.

Financial Analysis CS reviews and compares a client's financial position with business peers or industry standards. It also can compare multiple locations of a single business to determine which are most profitable. Users who subscribe to the RMA option can integrate with Financial Analysis CS, which then lets them provide aggregated financial indicators of peers or industry standards, showing clients how their businesses compare.

iLumen regularly collects a client's financial information to provide ongoing analysis. It also provides benchmarking information, comparing the client's financial performance with industry peers. The system is Web-based and can monitor a client's performance on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis. The network can upload a trial balance file directly from any accounting software program and provide charts, graphs and ratios that demonstrate a company's performance for the period. Analysis tools are viewed through customized dashboards.

PlanGuru by New Horizon Technologies can generate client-ready integrated balance sheets, income statements and cash-flow statements. The program includes tools for analyzing data, making projections, forecasting and budgeting. It also supports multiple resulting scenarios. The system can calculate up to 21 financial ratios as well as the breakeven point. PlanGuru uses a spreadsheet-style interface and wizards that guide users through data entry. It can import from Excel, QuickBooks, Peachtree and plain text files. It comes in professional and consultant editions. An add-on, called the Business Analyzer, calculates benchmarks.

ProfitCents by Sageworks is Web-based, so it requires no software or updates. It integrates with QuickBooks, CCH, Caseware, Creative Solutions and Best Software applications. It also provides a wide variety of businesses analyses for nonprofits and sole proprietorships. The company offers free consulting, training and customer support. It's also available in Spanish.

ProfitSystem fx Profit Driver by CCH Tax and Accounting provides a wide range of financial diagnostics and analytics. It provides data in spreadsheet form and can calculate benchmarking against industry standards. The program can track up to 40 periods.


Thursday 19 September 2013

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Using Data Mining Services

In today's globalized marketplace Customer relationship management (CRM) is deemed as crucial business activity to compete efficiently and outdone the competition. CRM strategies heavily depend on how effectively you can use the customer information in meeting their needs and expectations which in turn leads to more profit.

Some basic questions include - what are their specific needs, how satisfied they are with your product or services, is there a scope of improvement in existing product/service and so on. For better CRM strategy you need a predictive data mining models fueled by right data and analysis. Let me give you a basic idea on how you can use Data mining for your CRM objective.

Basic process of CRM data mining includes:
1. Define business goal
2. Construct marketing database
3. Analyze data
4. Visualize a model
5. Explore model
6. Set up model & start monitoring

Let me explain last three steps in detail.

Visualize a Model:
Building a predictive data model is an iterative process. You may require 2-3 models in order to discover the one that best suit your business problem. In searching a right data model you may need to go back, do some changes or even change your problem statement.

In building a model you start with customer data for which the result is already known. For example, you may have to do a test mailing to discover how many people will reply to your mail. You then divide this information into two groups. On the first group, you predict your desired model and apply this on remaining data. Once you finish the estimation and testing process you are left with a model that best suits your business idea.

Explore Model:
Accuracy is the key in evaluating your outcomes. For example, predictive models acquired through data mining may be clubbed with the insights of domain experts and can be used in a large project that can serve to various kinds of people. The way data mining is used in an application is decided by the nature of customer interaction. In most cases either customer contacts you or you contact them.

Set up Model & Start Monitoring:
To analyze customer interactions you need to consider factors like who originated the contact, whether it was direct or social media campaign, brand awareness of your company, etc. Then you select a sample of users to be contacted by applying the model to your existing customer database. In case of advertising campaigns you match the profiles of potential users discovered by your model to the profile of the users your campaign will reach.

In either case, if the input data involves income, age and gender demography, but the model demands gender-to-income or age-to-income ratio then you need to transform your existing database accordingly.

For any queries related to Data mining CRM applications, please feel free to contact us. We would be pleased to answer each of your queries in detail. Get more information at

Richard Kaith is member of Data Mining services team at Outsourcing Web Research firm - an established BPO company offering effective Web Data mining, Data extraction and Web research services at affordable rates. For any queries visit us at


Wednesday 18 September 2013

Data Entry Outsourcing - A Necessity For a More Professional and Efficient Work!

Many companies have to handle huge volume of internal and external information related to company operation, from making day to day decisions, to do a research on whether to enter a new market. In such cases data entry is a regular and continuous requirement. Yet there are also some companies whose data entry works maybe just a temporary requirement. But neither of the two cases mentioned above can deny the fact that accumulated data is a powerful management resource.

Although important, does not mean that this work is a core office work. The basics of completing a traditional data entry job usually involves copying and pasting text or numbers over and over, continuously filling out forms with information, or something similar. While it is fairly simple work and does not require much skill or thinking. It is not necessity to hire regular employee with competitive salary and benefits to ensure smooth and efficient handing of this information, especially when your data entry work is just a temporary requirement.

Most of the time-consuming data entry jobs are being done by outsourcing. For example, catalog management, which involves handling and maintaining paper catalogs, is not just time consuming, but also expensive. By converting your product catalogs to online and digital catalogs, making changes, and updating your product catalog becomes as easy as the click of a button once data entry has been completed.

With two requirements fulfilled-the development of the internet and flexible work hours, many people who don't want a regular work or just lose their jobs choose to providing data entry freelance. It is cheaper than hire a full-time employee, while the other side of the coin is, you cannot assured that they received proper training and there will be a third party who will act as intermediary should problems arise.

Hence, it is therefore much better to search for reliable outsourcing companies who can not only provide competitive price but also quality work with a guarantee. Such companies are emerging mainly in China, India and other countries where the cost of human labor are extremely low while the service is highly qualified.


Tuesday 17 September 2013

Facts on Data Mining

Data mining is the process of examining a data set to extract certain patterns. Companies use this process to determine the outcome of their existing goals. They summarize this information into useful methods to create revenue and/or cut costs. When search engines are accessed, they begin to build lists of links from the first page it accesses. It continues this process throughout the site until it reaches the root page. This data not only includes text, but also numbers and facts.

Data mining focuses on consumers in relation to both "internal" (price, product positioning), and "external" (competition, demographics) factors which help determine consumer price, customer satisfaction, and corporate profits. It also provides a link between separate transactions and analytical systems. Four types of relationships are sought with data mining:

o Classes - information used to increase traffic
o Clusters - grouped to determine consumer preferences or logical relationships
o Associations - used to group products normally bought together (i.e., bacon, eggs; milk, bread)
o Patterns - used to anticipate behavior trends

This process provides numerous benefits to businesses, governments, society, and especially individuals as a whole. It starts with a cleaning process which removes errors and ensures consistency. Algorithms are then used to "mine" the data to establish patterns. With all new technology, there are positives and negatives. One negative issue that arises from the process is privacy. Although it is against the law, the selling of personal information over the Internet has occurred. Companies have to obtain certain personal information to be able to properly conduct their business. The problem is that the security systems in place are not adequately protecting this information.

From a customer viewpoint, data mining benefits businesses more than their interests. Their personal information is out there, possibly unprotected, and there is nothing they can do until a negative issue arises. On the other hand, from the business side, it helps enhance overall operations and aid in better customer satisfaction. In regards to the government, they use personal data to tighten security systems and protect the public from terrorism; however, they want to protect people's privacy rights as well. With numerous servers, databases, and websites out there, it becomes increasingly difficult to enforce stricter laws. The more information we introduce to the web, the greater the chances of someone hacking into this data.

Better security systems should be developed before data mining can truly benefit all parties involved. Privacy invasion can ruin people's lives. It can take months, even years, to regain a level of trust that our personal information will be protected. Benefits aside, the safety and well being of any human being should be top priority.


Monday 16 September 2013

Data Processing Services - Different Types of Data Processing

Data processing services- To get proper information in specific and require data format and process your data which can be understand by people.

In the most of BPO (business process outsourcing) companies, converting your data (information) into right data format which is known as data processing services and also a very important part of the BPO company. There are many types of data process are available in the BPO industry such as check processing, insurance claim process, forms process, image process, survey processing and other business process services.

There is some important data processing services which can help to the business described as below:

Check-Processing: In any business, check processing is essential requirements to make easy online transactions. It will increase and make fast your business process.

Insurance-Claim-Processing: Sometime it is very complicated to handle. An insurance claim is an official request submitted to the insurance company demanding payment as per the terms of the policy. The terms of the insurance contract dictate the insurance claim amount.

Form-Processing: In the business, there are some important forms are used to process properly and receive accurate data or information. It is one of very crucial data online processing service.

Image-Processing: In electrical engineering and computer science, capturing and manipulating images to enhance or extract information. Image processing functions include resizing, sharpening, brightness, and contrast.

Survey-Processing: To make quick decision and want to market research, survey form is very much helpful in take proper decision or any important action.

Thus, these all important data process and conversion services can help any business to grow their profit and make business process very easy to access.


Sunday 15 September 2013

What's Your Excuse For Not Using Data Mining?

In an earlier article I briefly described how data mining and RFM analysis can help marketers be more efficient (read... increased marketing ROI!). These marketing analytics tools can significantly help with all direct marketing efforts (multichannel campaign management efforts using direct mail, email and call center) and some interactive marketing efforts as well. So, why aren't all companies using it today? Well, typically it comes down to a lack of data and/or statistical expertise. Even if you don't have data mining expertise, YOU can benefit from data mining by using a consultant. With that in mind, let's tackle the first problem -- collecting and developing the data that is useful for data mining.

The most important data to collect for data mining include:

oTransaction data - For every sale, you at least need to know the product and the amount and date of the purchase.

oPast campaign response data - For every campaign you've run, you need to identify who responded and who didn't. You may need to use direct and indirect response attribution.

oGeo-demographic data - This is optional, but you may want to append your customer file/database with consumer overlay data from companies like Acxiom.

oLifestyle data - This is also an optional append of indicators of socio-economic lifestyle that are developed by companies like Claritas. All of the above data may or may not exist in the same data source. Some companies have a single holistic view of the customer in a database and some don't. If you don't, you'll have to make sure all data sources that contain customer data have the same customer ID/key. That way, all of the needed data can be brought together for data mining.

How much data do you need for data mining? You'll hear many different answers, but I like to have at least 15,000 customer records to have confidence in my results.

Once you have the data, you need to massage it to get it ready to be "baked" by your data mining application. Some data mining applications will automatically do this for you. It's like a bread machine where you put in all the ingredients -- they automatically get mixed, the bread rises, bakes, and is ready for consumption! Some notable companies that do this include KXEN, SAS, and SPSS. Even if you take the automated approach, it's helpful to understand what kinds of things are done to the data prior to model building.

Preparation includes:

oMissing data analysis. What fields have missing values? Should you fill in the missing values? If so, what values do you use? Should the field be used at all?

oOutlier detection. Is "33 children in a household" extreme? Probably - and consequently this value should be adjusted to perhaps the average or maximum number of children in your customer's households.

oTransformations and standardizations. When various fields have vastly different ranges (e.g., number of children per household and income), it's often helpful to standardize or normalize your data to get better results. It's also useful to transform data to get better predictive relationships. For instance, it's common to transform monetary variables by using their natural logs.

oBinning Data. Binning continuous variables is an approach that can help with noisy data. It is also required by some data mining algorithms.

More to come on data mining for marketers in my next article.

Jim Stafford has worked for leading companies in the Marketing Automation space (BI, data mining, campaign management and eMarketing) for over 10 years. He has held roles of Director - Database Marketing Solutions, Pre-Sales Manager, Product Manager, and Solution Architect at companies like Aprimo, Group1 Software, SAS, Siebel, SPSS and Unica. Mr. Stafford has consistently helped sales teams meet or beat established sales targets. He was the principal pre-sales contributor to Siebel's second largest MA sale with General Motors. Jim has had considerable exposure to many verticals including: Financial Services, Hospitality & Entertainment, Automotive, Communications, and Utilities. He is a seasoned expert at discovery and knows key industry trends. Jim has an M.A. Degree in Economics from the University of Maryland and has been a frequent speaker at annual National Center for Database Marketing and Direct Marketing Associations events. Visit [] to learn more about Jim and his company's services.


Friday 13 September 2013

Importance of Data Mining Services in Business

Data mining is used in re-establishment of hidden information of the data of the algorithms. It helps to extract the useful information starting from the data, which can be useful to make practical interpretations for the decision making.
It can be technically defined as automated extraction of hidden information of great databases for the predictive analysis. In other words, it is the retrieval of useful information from large masses of data, which is also presented in an analyzed form for specific decision-making. Although data mining is a relatively new term, the technology is not. It is thus also known as Knowledge discovery in databases since it grip searching for implied information in large databases.
It is primarily used today by companies with a strong customer focus - retail, financial, communication and marketing organizations. It is having lot of importance because of its huge applicability. It is being used increasingly in business applications for understanding and then predicting valuable data, like consumer buying actions and buying tendency, profiles of customers, industry analysis, etc. It is used in several applications like market research, consumer behavior, direct marketing, bioinformatics, genetics, text analysis, e-commerce, customer relationship management and financial services.

However, the use of some advanced technologies makes it a decision making tool as well. It is used in market research, industry research and for competitor analysis. It has applications in major industries like direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, scientific tests, genetics, financial services and utilities.

Data mining consists of major elements:

    Extract and load operation data onto the data store system.
    Store and manage the data in a multidimensional database system.
    Provide data access to business analysts and information technology professionals.
    Analyze the data by application software.
    Present the data in a useful format, such as a graph or table.

The use of data mining in business makes the data more related in application. There are several kinds of data mining: text mining, web mining, relational databases, graphic data mining, audio mining and video mining, which are all used in business intelligence applications. Data mining software is used to analyze consumer data and trends in banking as well as many other industries.


Outsource Data Mining Services to Offshore Data Entry Company

Companies in India offer complete solution services for all type of data mining services.

Data Mining Services and Web research services offered, help businesses get critical information for their analysis and marketing campaigns. As this process requires professionals with good knowledge in internet research or online research, customers can take advantage of outsourcing their Data Mining, Data extraction and Data Collection services to utilize resources at a very competitive price.

In the time of recession every company is very careful about cost. So companies are now trying to find ways to cut down cost and outsourcing is good option for reducing cost. It is essential for each size of business from small size to large size organization. Data entry is most famous work among all outsourcing work. To meet high quality and precise data entry demands most corporate firms prefer to outsource data entry services to offshore countries like India.

In India there are number of companies which offer high quality data entry work at cheapest rate. Outsourcing data mining work is the crucial requirement of all rapidly growing Companies who want to focus on their core areas and want to control their cost.

Why outsource your data entry requirements?

Easy and fast communication: Flexibility in communication method is provided where they will be ready to talk with you at your convenient time, as per demand of work dedicated resource or whole team will be assigned to drive the project.

Quality with high level of Accuracy: Experienced companies handling a variety of data-entry projects develop whole new type of quality process for maintaining best quality at work.

Turn Around Time: Capability to deliver fast turnaround time as per project requirements to meet up your project deadline, dedicated staff(s) can work 24/7 with high level of accuracy.

Affordable Rate: Services provided at affordable rates in the industry. For minimizing cost, customization of each and every aspect of the system is undertaken for efficiently handling work.

Outsourcing Service Providers are outsourcing companies providing business process outsourcing services specializing in data mining services and data entry services. Team of highly skilled and efficient people, with a singular focus on data processing, data mining and data entry outsourcing services catering to data entry projects of a varied nature and type.

Why outsource data mining services?

360 degree Data Processing Operations
Free Pilots Before You Hire
Years of Data Entry and Processing Experience
Domain Expertise in Multiple Industries
Best Outsourcing Prices in Industry
Highly Scalable Business Infrastructure
24X7 Round The Clock Services

The expertise management and teams have delivered millions of processed data and records to customers from USA, Canada, UK and other European Countries and Australia.

Outsourcing companies specialize in data entry operations and guarantee highest quality & on time delivery at the least expensive prices.


Wednesday 11 September 2013

Processing Of Unorganized Data Is Important For Your Online Business

For every online business it is important to have a management service for organizing their paperwork and their documents. These services are actually a fundamental factor for your business. Form Processing is categorized under data processing services to make your business well-organized with informative details on your website. Form processing is taking out the information from the established forms, scrutinized images. Form Processing Services will help you in making good business links.

Online Form Processing Service offers you assured quality and trust when processing a variety of forms. There are huge numbers of organizations that are using these Forms Processing Services for enjoying the benefits of well-organized data. It is an essential tool for all the organizations and firms.

Outsourcing your Data related work to professional firms is always a great idea and they help you with other advantages too. These services offer you low expenditure, fast processing services of your forms. They help you to accumulate large volumes of important data efficiently and securely. These services are always in demand and are appreciated by their consumers for the precision of their rapid online form processing services. Reduce your burden by outsourcing these Data related Services to an expert and dedicated Data Entry Services.

Why there is a need to outsource your Form Processing Services to professionals?

Outsourcing Data Processing services involves work like capturing, digitizing and processing of data from a variety of resources and converting them into a database for efficient analysis and research.

It could be anything like insurance forms, medical claims, online forms, order forms, feedback, surveys, and questionnaires. Handling all the data of every form and maintaining these records is a tiring job for the organizations that have to focus on their core activities.

Many companies and organizations make use of questionnaires and forms in order to communicate with their customers and gathering information and making it a beneficial tool for your business. It is necessary to know and consider about the process and the requirements of the document.

Let's have a look on the beneficial side of Data Processing Services

It Reduces Cost - Managing manual document classification, extracting documents and separating them is a costly process. Form processing services help to reduce the cost and give cost-effective solutions.

It Increases Speed - Doing manual document classification, document separation and extraction of the data is tiresome, time-consuming, and a bad use of knowledgeable workers' takes huge time, Form processing services are time-saving and it increases speed.

It helps to upgrade - You can upgrade its features and level simply by reactivating the license. Installation of the software is not required. Better compatibility of your configurations is guaranteed.

It Increases Data Security - Programmed document processing reduces the demand of human effort to interact with the confidential data and hence increases your security. By providing capability it classifies the documents as they get scanned and fill them into the workflow system for immediate and automatic routing.

It Easily Generate Performance report- Manual processes are very tough to review. Using this service helps to control, monitor and report documents. As a result, the organizations will meet the requirements of the problem in a much better way and can be identified more easily.

It prevents fraud- If your data is already stored in a proper way, and you have all the information, it reduces the risk of fraud. Because storing data in proper way facilitate accurate data, you can anytime check them if needed.

Outsourcing form processing services are safe and secure for the handling of confidential documents. Additionally, these services are affordable and more often than not low in cost, which make it profitable in the long run. Thus, if you want you too can hire professionals for such data entry services, which ensure complete accuracy of data while ensuring timely completion of your projects. Since taking these services you can be able to concentrate on other task easily.

A well-qualified and knowledgeable team of experts create this work very easy. The knowledgeable venture administrator and staff can handle a large number of information handling solutions to make your company much easier thus helps in upgrading your details management system software. The prepared data and result is examined beforehand, so that customers should get quality service and precise data.


Monday 9 September 2013

Digging Up Dollars With Data Mining - An Executive's Guide


Traditionally, organizations use data tactically - to manage operations. For a competitive edge, strong organizations use data strategically - to expand the business, to improve profitability, to reduce costs, and to market more effectively. Data mining (DM) creates information assets that an organization can leverage to achieve these strategic objectives.

In this article, we address some of the key questions executives have about data mining. These include:

    What is data mining?
    What can it do for my organization?
    How can my organization get started?

Business Definition of Data Mining

Data mining is a new component in an enterprise's decision support system (DSS) architecture. It complements and interlocks with other DSS capabilities such as query and reporting, on-line analytical processing (OLAP), data visualization, and traditional statistical analysis. These other DSS technologies are generally retrospective. They provide reports, tables, and graphs of what happened in the past. A user who knows what she's looking for can answer specific questions like: "How many new accounts were opened in the Midwest region last quarter," "Which stores had the largest change in revenues compared to the same month last year," or "Did we meet our goal of a ten-percent increase in holiday sales?"

We define data mining as "the data-driven discovery and modeling of hidden patterns in large volumes of data." Data mining differs from the retrospective technologies above because it produces models - models that capture and represent the hidden patterns in the data. With it, a user can discover patterns and build models automatically, without knowing exactly what she's looking for. The models are both descriptive and prospective. They address why things happened and what is likely to happen next. A user can pose "what-if" questions to a data-mining model that can not be queried directly from the database or warehouse. Examples include: "What is the expected lifetime value of every customer account," "Which customers are likely to open a money market account," or "Will this customer cancel our service if we introduce fees?"

The information technologies associated with DM are neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, and rule induction. It is outside the scope of this article to elaborate on all of these technologies. Instead, we will focus on business needs and how data mining solutions for these needs can translate into dollars.

Mapping Business Needs to Solutions and Profits

What can data mining do for your organization? In the introduction, we described several strategic opportunities for an organization to use data for advantage: business expansion, profitability, cost reduction, and sales and marketing. Let's consider these opportunities very concretely through several examples where companies successfully applied DM.

Expanding your business: Keystone Financial of Williamsport, PA, wanted to expand their customer base and attract new accounts through a LoanCheck offer. To initiate a loan, a recipient just had to go to a Keystone branch and cash the LoanCheck. Keystone introduced the $5000 LoanCheck by mailing a promotion to existing customers.

The Keystone database tracks about 300 characteristics for each customer. These characteristics include whether the person had already opened loans in the past two years, the number of active credit cards, the balance levels on those cards, and finally whether or not they responded to the $5000 LoanCheck offer. Keystone used data mining to sift through the 300 customer characteristics, find the most significant ones, and build a model of response to the LoanCheck offer. Then, they applied the model to a list of 400,000 prospects obtained from a credit bureau.

By selectively mailing to the best-rated prospects determined by the DM model, Keystone generated $1.6M in additional net income from 12,000 new customers.

Reducing costs: Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield is New York State's largest health insurer. To compete with other healthcare companies, Empire must provide quality service and minimize costs. Attacking costs in the form of fraud and abuse is a cornerstone of Empire's strategy, and it requires considerable investigative skill as well as sophisticated information technology.

The latter includes a data mining application that profiles each physician in the Empire network based on patient claim records in their database. From the profile, the application detects subtle deviations in physician behavior relative to her/his peer group. These deviations are reported to fraud investigators as a "suspicion index." A physician who performs a high number of procedures per visit, charges 40% more per patient, or sees many patients on the weekend would be flagged immediately from the suspicion index score.

What has this DM effort returned to Empire? In the first three years, they realized fraud-and-abuse savings of $29M, $36M, and $39M respectively.

Improving sales effectiveness and profitability: Pharmaceutical sales representatives have a broad assortment of tools for promoting products to physicians. These tools include clinical literature, product samples, dinner meetings, teleconferences, golf outings, and more. Knowing which promotions will be most effective with which doctors is extremely valuable since wrong decisions can cost the company hundreds of dollars for the sales call and even more in lost revenue.

The reps for a large pharmaceutical company collectively make tens of thousands of sales calls. One drug maker linked six months of promotional activity with corresponding sales figures in a database, which they then used to build a predictive model for each doctor. The data-mining models revealed, for instance, that among six different promotional alternatives, only two had a significant impact on the prescribing behavior of physicians. Using all the knowledge embedded in the data-mining models, the promotional mix for each doctor was customized to maximize ROI.

Although this new program was rolled out just recently, early responses indicate that the drug maker will exceed the $1.4M sales increase originally projected. Given that this increase is generated with no new promotional spending, profits are expected to increase by a similar amount.

Looking back at this set of examples, we must ask, "Why was data mining necessary?" For Keystone, response to the loan offer did not exist in the new credit bureau database of 400,000 potential customers. The model predicted the response given the other available customer characteristics. For Empire, the suspicion index quantified the differences between physician practices and peer (model) behavior. Appropriate physician behavior was a multi-variable aggregate produced by data mining - once again, not available in the database. For the drug maker, the promotion and sales databases contained the historical record of activity. An automated data mining method was necessary to model each doctor and determine the best combination of promotions to increase future sales.

Getting Started

In each case presented above, data mining yielded significant benefits to the business. Some were top-line results that increased revenues or expanded the customer base. Others were bottom-line improvements resulting from cost-savings and enhanced productivity. The natural next question is, "How can my organization get started and begin to realize the competitive advantages of DM?"

In our experience, pilot projects are the most successful vehicles for introducing data mining. A pilot project is a short, well-planned effort to bring DM into an organization. Good pilot projects focus on one very specific business need, and they involve business users up front and throughout the project. The duration of a typical pilot project is one to three months, and it generally requires 4 to 10 people part-time.

The role of the executive in such pilot projects is two-pronged. At the outset, the executive participates in setting the strategic goals and objectives for the project. During the project and prior to roll out, the executive takes part by supervising the measurement and evaluation of results. Lack of executive sponsorship and failure to involve business users are two primary reasons DM initiatives stall or fall short.

In reading this article, perhaps you've developed a vision and want to proceed - to address a pressing business problem by sponsoring a data mining pilot project. Twisting the old adage, we say "just because you should doesn't mean you can." Be aware that a capability assessment needs to be an integral component of a DM pilot project. The assessment takes a critical look at data and data access, personnel and their skills, equipment, and software. Organizations typically underestimate the impact of data mining (and information technology in general) on their people, their processes, and their corporate culture. The pilot project provides a relatively high-reward, low-cost, and low-risk opportunity to quantify the potential impact of DM.

Another stumbling block for an organization is deciding to defer any data mining activity until a data warehouse is built. Our experience indicates that, oftentimes, DM could and should come first. The purpose of the data warehouse is to provide users the opportunity to study customer and market behavior both retrospectively and prospectively. A data mining pilot project can provide important insight into the fields and aggregates that need to be designed into the warehouse to make it really valuable. Further, the cost savings or revenue generation provided by DM can provide bootstrap funding for a data warehouse or related initiatives.

Recapping, in this article we addressed the key questions executives have about data mining - what it is, what the benefits are, and how to get started. Armed with this knowledge, begin with a pilot project. From there, you can continue building the data mining capability in your organization; to expand your business, improve profitability, reduce costs, and market your products more effectively.


Friday 6 September 2013

Optimize Usage of Twitter With Data Mining

Twitter has become so popular and it is often thought of as very addictive and as more and more people are getting addicted to it, the more Twitter becomes an important medium for driving traffic to your website, marketing your products and services, or for just brand recognition purposes. As an internet marketer, you will always be interested in what's going on inside Twitter but with 40 million people located all over the world, it would be impossible to know it not unless you use additional tools to help you achieve this goal.

Twitter is a microblogging platform that is used by most people to inform their friends and loved ones what is curently going on in them, tweeters can also engaged in some sort of discussions and very recently more and more internet marketers use it to inform everyone about their company, business, products and services.

As an internet marketer, you will need to maximize your usage of Twitter. You may not just only need how to tweet efficiently or how you will be able to broadcast your tweets []. You will really need to know the current most talked about topics in twitter on a certain period of time for a certain geographical location. And by knowing this information, you will be able to define a good marketing strategy and how you can blend well with these people. Advertising in the right time and place would promise higher conversion rate translating to higher sales and earning more profits.

This can be achieved with the proper use of Data Mining Tools and Software. There is probably no such tools yet right at this moment, but for sure it will be an excellent strategy to acquire very useful information that will help you succeed in the business generated and extracted form data gathered from Twitter with the help of these Data Mining Tools and Software.


Wednesday 4 September 2013

Business Intelligence Data Mining

Data mining can be technically defined as the automated extraction of hidden information from large databases for predictive analysis. In other words, it is the retrieval of useful information from large masses of data, which is also presented in an analyzed form for specific decision-making.

Data mining requires the use of mathematical algorithms and statistical techniques integrated with software tools. The final product is an easy-to-use software package that can be used even by non-mathematicians to effectively analyze the data they have. Data Mining is used in several applications like market research, consumer behavior, direct marketing, bioinformatics, genetics, text analysis, fraud detection, web site personalization, e-commerce, healthcare, customer relationship management, financial services and telecommunications.

Business intelligence data mining is used in market research, industry research, and for competitor analysis. It has applications in major industries like direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, healthcare, the oil and gas industry, scientific tests, genetics, telecommunications, financial services and utilities. BI uses various technologies like data mining, scorecarding, data warehouses, text mining, decision support systems, executive information systems, management information systems and geographic information systems for analyzing useful information for business decision making.

Business intelligence is a broader arena of decision-making that uses data mining as one of the tools. In fact, the use of data mining in BI makes the data more relevant in application. There are several kinds of data mining: text mining, web mining, social networks data mining, relational databases, pictorial data mining, audio data mining and video data mining, that are all used in business intelligence applications.

Some data mining tools used in BI are: decision trees, information gain, probability, probability density functions, Gaussians, maximum likelihood estimation, Gaussian Baves classification, cross-validation, neural networks, instance-based learning /case-based/ memory-based/non-parametric, regression algorithms, Bayesian networks, Gaussian mixture models, K-means and hierarchical clustering, Markov models and so on.


Smartphones Help With Data Mining

Today, smartphones are being used more frequently and are projected to constitute 50 percent of all cell phone usage by the end of 2011. These phones have been proven to be supportive and beneficial to consumers worldwide from grocery shopping, online menus, to leisurely fun. Some of these mobile applications show consumers where farmers' markets are, some allow their audience to throw a variety of birds at a tower of pigs, while others show where to buy sustainable seafood. To illustrate how specific and random these applications are, one application offers a wine database search to compare what places sell wine at a cheaper price and the distance the consumer would have to drive to get there. NY Times states, smartphones are now more often used for their data than their main purpose, making phone calls. NY Times also explains that, according to their government and industry data, the percentage of households in the United States that own one is approaching 90 percent. With this percent rising everyday, the growth in voice minutes used by these phones has almost flat lined.

The sky-rocketing application usage of these smartphones are taking up the time users used to spend making calls. One person makes the best of these applications, Mrs. Colburn uses these applications to make life more convenient by helping her stay connected to the outside world and manage her family's lives at the same time. The craze has led the world into a direction of listening to music, sending emails with ease, watching television, playing video games, and online shopping. The principle of the smartphone is simple, but if most companies do not harness its attributes and learn how to use its applications to network, they run the risk of becoming tuned out in all of the noise.

On another end of the spectrum, companies can benefit from the applications of these smartphones. The data being transferred through packet exchange can show industries what locations are more promising for a frequently searched product. With all the information provided by every individual phone, the information can determine where it is most efficient to build the local farmers market or the next Apple retail store. The variety of smartphone applications help customers shop around for great deals or find that perfect trinket shop, but as explained these applications can help marketers with data mining. Along with data mining, these applications offer convenience and information at your fingertips, and with the tech craze at its beginning stages of growth everyone should expect to see more applications to come.


Monday 2 September 2013

Data Mining Services

You will get all solutions regarding data mining from many companies in India. You can consult a variety of companies for data mining services and considering the variety is beneficial to customers. These companies also offer web research services which will help companies to perform critical business activities.

Very competitive prices for commodities will be the results where there is competition among qualified players in the data mining, data collection services and other computer-based services. Every company willing to cut down their costs regarding outsourcing data mining services and BPO data mining services will benefit from the companies offering data mining services in India. In addition, web research services are being sourced from the companies.

Outsourcing is a great way to reduce costs regarding labor, and companies in India will benefit from companies in India as well as from outside the country. The most famous aspect of outsourcing is data entry. Preference of outsourcing services from offshore countries has been a practice by companies to reduce costs, and therefore, it is not a wonder getting outsource data mining to India.

For companies which are seeking for outsourcing services such as outsource web data extraction, it is good to consider a variety of companies. The comparison will help them get best quality of service and businesses will grow rapidly in regard to the opportunities provided by the outsourcing companies. Outsourcing does not only provide opportunities for companies to reduce costs but to get labor where countries are experiencing shortage.

Outsourcing presents good and fast communication opportunity to companies. People will be communicating at the most convenient time they have to get the job done. The company is able to gather dedicated resources and team to accomplish their purpose. Outsourcing is a good way of getting a good job because the company will look for the best workforce. In addition, the competition for the outsourcing provides a rich ground to get the best providers.

In order to retain the job, providers will need to perform very well. The company will be getting high quality services even in regard to the price they are offering. In fact, it is possible to get people to work on your projects. Companies are able to get work done with the shortest time possible. For instance, where there is a lot of work to be done, companies may post the projects onto the websites and the projects will get people to work on them. The time factor comes in where the company will not have to wait if it wants the projects completed immediately.

Outsourcing has been effective in cutting labor costs because companies will not have to pay the extra amount required to retain employees such as the allowances relating to travels, as well as housing and health. These responsibilities are met by the companies that employ people on a permanent basis. The opportunity presented by the outsourcing of data and services is comfort among many other things because these jobs can be completed at home. This is the reason why the jobs will be preferred more in the future.

To increase business effectiveness, productivity and workflow, you need quality and accurate data entry system. this unrivaled quality is provided by Data extraction services which has excellent track record in providing quality services.


Sunday 1 September 2013

Data Mining Explained

Data mining is the crucial process of extracting implicit and possibly useful information from data. It uses analytical and visualization techniques to explore and present information in a format which is easily understandable by humans.

Data mining is widely used in a variety of profiling practices, such as fraud detection, marketing research, surveys and scientific discovery.

In this article I will briefly explain some of the fundamentals and its applications in the real world.

Herein I will not discuss related processes of any sorts, including Data Extraction and Data Structuring.

The Effort
Data Mining has found its application in various fields such as financial institutions, health-care & bio-informatics, business intelligence, social networks data research and many more.

Businesses use it to understand consumer behavior, analyze buying patterns of clients and expand its marketing efforts. Banks and financial institutions use it to detect credit card frauds by recognizing the patterns involved in fake transactions.

The Knack
There is definitely a knack to Data Mining, as there is with any other field of web research activities. That is why it is referred as a craft rather than a science. A craft is the skilled practicing of an occupation.

One point I would like to make here is that data mining solutions offers an analytical perspective into the performance of a company depending on the historical data but one need to consider unknown external events and deceitful activities. On the flip side it is more critical especially for Regulatory bodies to forecast such activities in advance and take necessary measures to prevent such events in future.

In Closing
There are many important niches of Web Data Research that this article has not covered. But I hope that this article will provide you a stage to drill down further into this subject, if you want to do so!

Should you have any queries, please feel free to mail me. I would be pleased to answer each of your queries in detail.
